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Guide to Playing Over/Under Football Betting

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작성자 trankhoa856325 작성일24-06-14 11:29 조회774회 댓글0건


Over/Under, or O/U football betting, is one of the hottest keywords nowadays when it comes to online betting. While some are well-versed in it, many newcomers are still quite vague, especially those just entering the field.
I. What is Over/Under?
Over/Under, simply put, is a type of betting game used in various fields, most popularly in football, basketball, and tennis, both in live and online formats.
According to Fun88, Over/Under originated in China, where in Chinese it means "big-small", and in English it means "Over-Under." Thus, the name itself reflects the nature and characteristics of this game.
Specifically, the bookmaker will provide a prediction for any given match. The player's task is also to predict the outcome of the match. If the number they predict is higher or lower than the number given by the bookmaker, they win.
1. What is Over/Under Football Betting?
As mentioned earlier, Over/Under is widely used in many fields, and football is no exception. Therefore, Over/Under football betting is a football betting game, also in both office and online formats.
The abbreviation for is: O/U (Over/Under). Over/Under bets include the following types: 1.5 goals, 1 ¾ goals, 2 ¼ goals, 2.5 goals, 2 ¾ goals, and 3 goals.
2. How to Play Over/Under Football Betting
As a popular form of betting, Over/Under football betting is always an attractive choice due to its simplicity, ease of play, and ease of winning.
Before each match, the bookmaker sets an online score. Accordingly, the player only needs to choose whether the total score will be lower or higher than the rate set by the bookmaker to place a bet. Bet on "Over" if the predicted score is higher, bet on "Under" if the predicted score is lower. Players will predict and bet on the total goals in the match.
Specific Example:
- If the match ends with a score of 1-3, the total goals will be 4.
- If the match ends 1-0, the total goals will be 1.
Choose the "Over" option if you think the match will have many goals. Conversely, choose the "Under" option if you think the match will have few goals. If the total goals in the match equal the goals predicted by the bookmaker, you get your bet back.
When betting on the official 90 minutes and injury time are counted towards the match score. However, the results of penalty shootouts or extra time are invalid.
Over/Under bets only require the player to focus on the total goals without concerning the win/loss between the two teams. This creates an attractive, fresh, and engaging game, attracting a large number of players.
II. How to Accurately and Clearly Read Over/Under Bets
According to the annual review by Fun88, the number of people accessing and choosing Over/Under bets is very high. This shows that it is not too complicated, and the easy-to-play aspect predominates.
However, if you do not know how or know the wrong way to read Over/Under football bets, it can cause difficulties when betting.
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Also known as the 1 ½ or 1.5 bet. The scenarios for the 1.5 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with 2 or more goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with 1 or fewer goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.
Over/Under 1.75 Goals
This is also called the 1.75 or 1.5-2 bet. The scenarios for the 1.75 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with 3 or more goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with 2 goals, choosing over wins 50% of the stake, and choosing under loses 50% of the stake.
- If the match ends with 1 or fewer goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.
Over/Under 2 Goals
Listed as 2 on the odds board. The scenarios for the 2 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with more than 2 goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with exactly 2 goals, choosing over wins 50% of the stake, and choosing under loses 50% of the stake.
- If the match ends with fewer than 2 goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.
Over/Under 2.25 Goals
Also known as the 2.25 or 2-2.5 bet. The scenarios for the 2.25 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with 3 or more goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with exactly 2 goals, choosing over wins 50% of the stake, and choosing under loses 50% of the stake.
- If the match ends with fewer than 2 goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Also referred to as the 2 ½ or 2.5 bet. The scenarios for the 2.5 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with 3 or more goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with 2 or fewer goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.
You can refer to the article:
Over/Under 2.75 Goals
This is also shown as 2.75 or 2.5-3 on the odds board. The scenarios for the 2.75 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with 3 goals, choosing over wins 50% of the stake, and choosing under loses 50% of the stake.
- If the match ends with 4 or more goals, choosing over wins, and choosing under loses.
- If the match ends with 2 or fewer goals, choosing over loses 50% of the stake, and choosing under wins.
Over/Under 3 Goals
The scenarios for the 3 goal over/under bet are:
- If the match ends with more than 3 goals, choosing over wins 50% of the stake, and choosing under loses 50% of the stake.
- If the match ends with exactly 3 goals, the stake is returned to both over and under bets.
- If the match ends with fewer than 3 goals, choosing over loses, and choosing under wins.


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